地点:同济大学四平路校区中法中心 A201
主讲人:Ahmed Jawad QURESHI先生(国立高等工程技术学校博士)
巴黎高科的教学和科研范围覆盖了科学、技术以及管理领域的所有学科,是一个真正意义上的国际化教育集团。其主要学科领域有:应用数学和计算机科学、物理、机械、材料科学、,纳米科学, 化学,化学工程、电子学-电子工程、电信科学、地质学-地球科学、环境科学、生命科学、动物学,植物学,海洋工程学,机械工程、土木工程、领土整治- 交通, 运输、经济、工业管理、生产组织, 金融保险。巴黎高科历史上曾荣获5项诺贝尔奖,现今仍有多名诺贝尔奖得主活跃在科研和教学界。
Presentation on “Paris Tech Doctoral Programmes”
Time: November 24, 2010 (Wednesday) at 4 pm
Place: A201, Sino-French Center , Siping Lu Campus, Tongji University
Speaker : Dr. Ahmed Jawad QURESHI (Arts et Métiers Paristech)
The Representative of Resident Representative Office of PairsTech in China
ParisTech is a cluster of excellence of twelve French Grades Écoles of Engineering and Business with an established record in higher education and research. The courses taught cover a wide range of subjects in science, technology and management. The high professor to student ratio, the wide range of scientific disciplines covered and the quality of research at ParisTech attract the best students and scientists.
Subjects taught & Research conducted at ParisTech:
Applied Mathematics; Computer Science; Statistics; Finance; Physics; Optical Sciences; Economics & Social Sciences; Executive Engineering; Industrial & Production Engineering; Materials Science & Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Offshore Engineering; Naval Architecture; Civil Engineering; Town & Country Planning; Transport Engineering & Systems; Electrical, Electronic and Photonic Engineering; Information Technology & Telecommunications; Robotics; Automatics; Energy & Nuclear Engineering; Chemistry; Chemical Engineering; Earth Sciences; Environmental Engineering; Life Sciences; Forest Engineering; Agricultural Engineering; Computational Biology; Bioengineering & Biophysics; Economics; Econometrics; Quantitative Economics; Actuarial Science. ParisTech has been honored by the awarding of 5 Nobel Prize.
Anyone is welcome to participate.