1012日上午,裴钢校长在中法中心会见了法国国立桥路大学校(Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)校长Philippe Courtier教授,双方表示今后继续加强两校的合作交流;本次会议主要就中法联合培养卓越工程师项目如何开展卓有成效的合作深入地交换了意见和建议,双方拟于1122日在法国巴黎签署合作备忘录。



我校与法国国立桥路大学校(Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)的合作始于上世纪90年代初,两校联合法国巴黎高科(ParisTech)于1999年创办了中法工程和管理学院,于2000年启动了上海国际工商管理硕士教育合作项目,并于2008年共同签署可颁发法国工程师文凭的中法双学位合作项目协议。

President Pei Gang meets Director of Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

On 12th October, Prof. Pei Gang, the President of Tongji University met with Professor Philippe Courtier, the Director of Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (France). Both sides agreed on strengthening the cooperation in the future, and exchanged the ideas and opinions on the key points for the success of Tongi’s Sino-French Excellent Engineering Joint Education Program.


Tongji University began its cooperation with Ecole des Ponts ParisTech at the beginning of year ninties of last century, jointly created in 1999 the Sino-French Institute of Engineering and Management (IFCIM) with ParisTech, launched in 2000 the Shanghai International MBA program (SIMBA), and signed in 2008 the double degree program delivering the French Engineering Diploma and the Master degree of Tongji University.