




出席会议的中方董事单位及其代表包括:同济大学经济与管理学院霍佳震院长、建设银行上海分行沈芳珍副行长、中国石化上海石化高金平副总经理、中国电信上海市电信公司花锐强副总经理、上海市铁路局周红云常务副局长、复星集团梁信军副董事长、上海建工集团卓建勤主任等;出席会议的法方董事单位及其代表:法国国立桥路学校校长Philippe COURTIER博士、巴黎高等商学院副校长Alain CHEVALIER教授、法国航空公司航道部副总裁Henri HIE先生、苏伊士集团Patrice


作为中法学院董事会主席和副主席,裴钢校长和巴黎高科主席Cyrille van Effenterre先生共同主持该会议。会议听取了学院学术委员会、院务委员会关于项目宣传和招生、质量控制情况、财务和管理等方面的报告;一致通过了第十五届董事会会议纪要;通过了2010年度的财务审计报告、2011年预算执行情况和2012年度的财务预算;通过Kirsty TAN女士进入学术委员会的决议。裴钢校长还向参会代表阐述了同济大学卓越工程师计划的进展和设想,得到了参会单位的广泛兴趣和支持。










President PEI Gang visits France

From 21st to 22nd November, President PEI Gang, accompanied by Vice President DONG Qi, visited France.

On 21st November, President PEI visited Lafarge Group and met its Executive Vice President Géard KUPERFARB. He visited CNRS and had a fruitful meeting with its General Director for Research Joël Bertrand to develop Sino-French research cooperation in the fields of transportation, environment and sustainable development. He signed the double degree agreement on physics with Academician Jacque Prost, General Director of ESPCI ParisTech, and was invited to make a speech during the Sino-French Dialogue on Projects led by French companies in China and Chinese Companies in Europe organized by UNIPEF.

On 22nd November, President PEI attended the opening ceremony of “First Sino-French PhD Students Seminar on Sustainable Transportation”co-organized by Tongji University and Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and addressed the speech with Director Philippe COURTIER. He co-chaired with President Cyrille van Effenterre of ParisTech the 16th board meeting of Sino-French Institute of Engineering and Management (IFCIM) jointly created in 1999 with ParisTech and Ecole des Ponts ParisTech. He signed the protocol of the project of Sino-French Sustainable Development Engineering School of Tongji together with Prof. Jean-Baptiste LESORT, representative of French consortium, and also made a speech on the Forum of “Sino-French Talents Education for Sustainable Development ”organized by the Association of Alumni in France of Tongji.