    中法学院董事会主席裴钢校长和董事会副主席代表法国国立桥路大学校(ENPC)校长Armel de la BOURDONNAYE先生共同主持本次会议。
    此外,董事会还一致表决通过由法国国立桥路大学校新任校长Armel de la BOURDONNAYE博士接替原校长Philippe COURTIER博士担任中法学院董事会中方董事;由中国建设银行上海市分行副行长陈金富先生接替副行长沈芳珍女士担任董事会成员。

出席会议的法方董事单位及其代表有:法国国立桥路大学校校长Armel de la BOURDONNAYE、法国航空公司航道部副总裁Henri HIÉ、法国电力公司电力交通网络副总裁Vincent FELTIN、苏伊士环境集团人力资源部副经理Hélène MEYNIEL、道达尔中国人力资源部经理Michèle Terminet-SCHUPPON、法国驻沪总领事馆科技领事Frédéric BRETAR、法国欧洲高等商学院教务长Maria KOUTSOVOULOU。

The 17th Board Meeting of the Sino-French Institute of Engineering and Management (IFCIM) was held on October 19th. President Pei Gang and Vice President Dong Qi were present. President Pei Gang, Chairman of the Director Board of IFCIM and Mr. Armel de la Boudonnaye, representative of vice chairmen of the Board co-chaired the meeting.

At the meeting, the report of the Executive Committee and the report of the Academic and Scientific Committee for the year of 2011-2012 were presented. The board members approved the meeting minutes of the 16th Board Meeting, reviewed the audit report for the year 2011, the budget execution report for the year 2011 and the year 2012 from January to September and approved the financial budget for the year 2013. In addition, Mr. Armel de LA BOURDONNAYE was elected as the new president of ENPC by a unanimous vote of the Board. Mr. Chen Jinfu, Vice President of China Construction Bank Shanghai Branch replaced Ms. Shen Fangzhen to become the board member.

The 18th Board meeting of IFCIM would be held in Paris, France on November 19th 2013.